Shirley Strawberry, the longtime co-host and close friend of comic legend Steve Harvey, has apologized profusely after an audio recording exposed her making disparaging comments about Harvey’s wife, Marjorie.
Strawberry, considered an endeared member of Harvey’s inner circle, made the remarks while talking on the phone with her estranged husband in jail. While she knew their conversation would be recorded, per jail protocol, Strawberry had no idea that her words would travel beyond the concrete walls of the jail and ignite internet fury.
Her husband is in jail on suspicion of gun possession, theft, fraud and child pornography and has been locked up since the summer of 2022 awaiting prosecution. Strawberry was reportedly in the process of getting a divorce when the explosive conversation in jail went down.
The widely beloved Strawberry began by praising Harvey’s wife’s glamorous and enviable lifestyle that accords her certain privileges out of reach of the common woman:
“Marjorie has her own spa, her own workout room. She could go in there and get massages every day. People come to her house and work her out and all of that. I was like, ‘Oh God what a dream,’ ” Strawberry began, according to Hot New Hip Hop.
The recorded conversation took a dark turn when Strawberry began describing Majorie Harvey’s alleged disposition toward Strawberry and the rest of the radio show cast.
“[Steve] was happy to see us. He always invites us over there, and we don’t never go because I don’t know, if she’s there … you know,” Strawberry said.
Strawberry may have inflicted the most emotional damage on the Harvey household when she purported resentfully that Harvey is scared of his wife and that “[Marjorie Harvey] looks at us as ‘the help’ you know … it is what it is.”
The embarrassed Strawberry tried to mop up the mess she created on the first episode of the “Steve Harvey Morning Show” on Monday, Sept. 11, 2023.
Shirley Strawberry is the Strawberry Letter today. Shirley apologized to the Harvey's and is getting a divorce. Interesting 🤔 Full video on my YouTube channel link in bio#shirleystrawberry #thestrawberryletter#SteveHarvey #steveharveyshow #steveharveymorningshow pic.twitter.com/XcUqM4WEuo
— J. Evans (@J_EvansOfficial) September 11, 2023
“Right here and now, I want to apologize to you and Marjorie for what I said,” Strawberry said with a pained expression on her face. “As much as I wish I could, I can’t take it back. I can’t. I said it, and I want to apologize. It was definitely not me trying to add to what you and Majorie already have going on, in your lives … right now.”
Strawberry added: “What could I say to you after this … you know … happened? I was devastated. I mean, absolutely devastated. I thought of everything. You know, I could lose my job … how could I face you — everything!”
Steve Harvey has responded to Strawberry’s inflammatory comments as well as the rumors that Marjorie Harvey stole her husband from his second wife and that she only married him because he was allegedly rich.
Steve Harvey don’t play about his wife Marjorie 💯❤️
Steve Harvey goes off & defends his wife over the cheating allegations pic.twitter.com/uu3AWfI2RG
— Shannonnn sharpes Burner (PARODY Account) (@shannonsharpeee) September 12, 2023