How a viral skit helped BigHomieBlocks become 1 of today’s funniest comedians

The comedian has found a path to being successful at his craft

BigHomieBlocks didn’t start off as the class clown in school like your typical comedian; he was more of an observer. Despite being the observer, he still had a goofy personality that impacted everybody around him. Now, he’s become one of today’s funniest young comedians, posting pranks and skits on social media and YouTube.

BigHomieBlocks spoke with rolling out about his career, the impact of social media and some of his notable skits.

How did you start your comedy career?

It started back in 2015. I did my first gig just playing around, and I got my first 1,000 views. I thought that was a lot back in the day. I was like, “Oh, man, 1,000 views? I need to keep going.” I just started doing little skits here and there. I feel like 2019 was a big break, and I started going viral for my pranks in my relationship. I started taking advantage of that and just kept going with the videos, and now it’s a career. I can’t complain.

How has social media helped comedians grow their platforms over the years?

Social media is a big platform. Everybody goes there, and you can look up anything nowadays. I think social media brought the comedy world to a bigger light. We were already big because we had Bernie Mac and Richard Pryor. We have some dope comedians who were known before social media, but it brought an easier way to do comedy, so you can mess up now and redo it. That’s the pros and cons of doing social media — you can never go wrong.

How has your family supported you when you do pranks and skits?

My wife is currently fighting with that now. I think everything is a joke, and she doesn’t like that. She doesn’t like it. She likes it to an extent. I’m telling you this now, she’s very down for the work. She’s going to put in the work with me and all that, but sometimes when it’s personal time, I still be in character mode, so I understand. It wasn’t always like this; I had to make them believe. I was the one that really started the videos, especially when it came down to me and my wife, my mama and my family. I started it, and it was a process. I lost jobs because I was doing videos, and I really loved doing videos. I had to believe in myself so people could believe in me. Of course, 2019 was a good eye-opener for a lot of people, including my parents. They understand, and they’re, like, “He’s really good at this…”

What do you say to people who think you’re disingenuous with your prank where you give homeless people $1 to cry?

I give them $20. All I need is one tear. Sometimes, when you ask people to cry, it’s some people who have a certain switch, so they’ll dig back into what they feel can make them cry. So, when you hear people telling a story, you can’t get mad at me because somebody’s telling the story [in order] to cry.  I’m just telling them to give me a tear. When they get to going into their [story], I can’t tell them to stop [it] because that’s probably the best way they can cry.

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