Rolling Out

Safe travel tips for women visiting Egypt

Ensure a safe and enriching journey through Egypt by embracing local customs and taking essential safety precautions
Photo credit: / - Yuri A

Egypt beckons with its ancient wonders and rich cultural heritage. For women travelers, a journey through the land of the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza can be both enchanting and challenging. Embracing local customs and taking safety precautions can ensure a trip that’s both enjoyable and secure.

Essential safety tips for female travelers in Egypt

Dress modestly: Opt for conservative clothing such as long skirts or pants and tops that cover the shoulders to minimize unwanted attention. Headscarves are necessary when visiting religious sites.

Stay alert: Be conscious of your surroundings, especially in crowded markets and tourist hotspots. Secure your belongings and avoid displaying valuables to prevent pickpocketing.

Learn basic Arabic: Knowing simple phrases like “no,” “please,” and “thank you” can aid in daily interactions.

Respect local norms: LGBTQIA+ travelers should be discreet, as public displays of affection can attract negative attention in a society where same-sex relationships are not widely accepted.

Trust your instincts: Maintain a polite yet firm demeanor with strangers and remove yourself from uncomfortable situations.

Navigating Egypt with confidence

Choose safe areas: Stick to well-populated and well-lit areas, and avoid solo excursions at night or in secluded neighborhoods.

Employ a tour guide: A trusted guide can provide valuable cultural insights and act as a mediator in local interactions. Female-only tour options can offer additional comfort and security.

Use reputable transport: Ride-hailing apps like Uber or Careem are recommended over public transportation for reliability and safety.

Prepare for emergencies: Keep your embassy’s contact details at hand and consider travel insurance with health and emergency assistance.

With these precautions in mind, women can embark on a memorable Egyptian adventure, exploring its ancient history and vibrant culture with confidence and peace of mind.

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