Rolling Out

Why Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene refused to call Anthony Fauci ‘doctor’

This is not the 1st time Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene decided to disparage someone during a hearing
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Anthony Fauci. (Rolling out video screenshot)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is back in the headlines for disparaging another person during a House hearing — and this time it was Dr. Anthony Fauci.

On June 3, things got heated during the House hearing as they discussed Dr. Fauci’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the hearing went on, Greene began scolding Dr. Fauci.

“Mr. Fauci — because you’re not a doctor — you’re Mr. Fauci in my few minutes,” Greene said.

Dr. Fauci was trying to respond to Greene’s statements, but his microphone was not on. Rep. Jamie Raskin responded shortly after Greene’s comments, asking if she could ignore Fauci’s title as a doctor.

“Mr. Chairman, in terms of the rules of decorum, are we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor because we don’t want him to be a doctor?” Raskin said.

“Yes, because in my time that man does not deserve to have a license,” Greene said in response to Raskin. “As a matter of fact, it should be revoked, and he belongs in prison.”

This isn’t the first time Greene has disrespected someone; she insulted Rep. Jasmine Crockett during a House Oversight Committee session on May 16. Lawmakers were meeting to vote on hold Attorney General Mack Garland in contempt for refusing to give an audio recording of Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

A debate between the two women started.

“I don’t think you know what you’re here for. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading,” Greene said to Crockett.

Several committee members interjected, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asking that Greene’s statement be stricken from the record and that she apologize. Greene agreed to the strike but not the apology. Crockett then asked for a clarification from the committee chair, Rep. James Comer.

“I’m just curious. If someone on this committee then started talking about somebody’s bleach blonde built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?” Crockett said.

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