Justice Department to end discriminatory practices with Wichita Public Schools

quentin jackson
Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / lev radin

On Tuesday, the Justice Department announced a significant agreement with Wichita Public Schools, Kansas’ largest school district, to eliminate racial and disability discrimination in school discipline practices.

Investigation findings

The investigation by the Justice Department revealed that Black students were disciplined more frequently and severely than their white counterparts for similar behaviors. The use of stereotypical terms such as attitude or drama was notably prevalent in disciplining Black girls. Additionally, the investigation uncovered that students with disabilities were disproportionately subjected to seclusion and restraint in inadequate facilities, lacking proper services and support.

Key agreement details

Under the new agreement, Wichita Public Schools will undertake several reforms by January 1, 2025, to ensure a nondiscriminatory approach to student discipline and law enforcement referrals. These reforms include:

Developing a district-wide code of conduct and standardized dress code policies.

Creating a behavior intervention protocol to prevent unnecessary student exclusion.

Eliminating seclusion and ensuring restraints are used only when absolutely necessary.

Establishing a system for monitoring discipline administration to ensure fairness.

Providing appropriate training for staff at specialized schools for students with disabilities.

Offering counseling and compensatory education to students who were excessively secluded or restrained.

Setting up an office to monitor and assist in the compliance of restraint and seclusion practices.

The importance of a safe educational environment

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke emphasized that schools should be safe spaces free of fear and mistrust, highlighting the agreement’s role in protecting vulnerable students and ending the school-to-prison pipeline.

Wichita Public Schools have cooperated fully with the Justice Department throughout the investigation, showing a commitment to rectifying the highlighted issues and fostering an inclusive educational environment.

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