Braxton Davis on redefining equity in law, technology, and entrepreneurship

Pioneering innovation and advancing equity in law and technology

In the world of law and technology, Braxton Davis is making waves. As the executive director at the National Council on Patent Practicum and associate general counsel at Meta, his multifaceted career has placed him at the forefront of shaping patent law and driving equity. Davis sat down with Kevin E. Hooks on Equity in Focus to discuss his journey from law school to launching groundbreaking tech innovations, all while creating pathways for underrepresented communities.

A Passion for Justice and Innovation

Davis’s path to law was shaped by personal experiences, including a racially charged encounter with the police during his time at Georgia Tech. As Davis recounted, “I was accosted by the police for walking while Black in Buckhead. That experience made me realize the importance of understanding my rights.” It was this pivotal moment that propelled Davis to law school, where he pursued patent law, an area where few minorities are represented. “The actual reason I went to law school had nothing to do with patent law,” Davis noted. “But once I learned about it, I realized this was my way to protect myself, my family, and others.”

Davis shared that his career in intellectual property was far from a given. Many in the Black and minority communities rarely have family members in law or engineering to guide them toward patent law, a highly specialized field. “It’s not a field that a lot of us knew about,” Davis explained. “We don’t grow up having a bunch of attorneys or engineers in the family.” Yet, through determination and resourcefulness, Davis carved his own path.

Building the Future: The National Council on Patent Practicum

Davis’s ingenuity didn’t stop with his own success. He recognized the barriers faced by other minorities in law, particularly in patent law. After founding the Patent Institute of Training in 2010, which later evolved into the National Council on Patent Practicum (NCPP), Davis focused on training the next generation of patent attorneys and agents. The NCPP, a nonprofit supported by law firms and corporate sponsors, addresses the gaps in legal education and provides hands-on experience for underrepresented individuals in patent law.

“We need others to know that in an era where many corporations and firms are taking an about-face when it comes to DEI and diversity, it’s still going to be needed,” Davis emphasized. His program trains, mentors, and places underrepresented individuals into legal roles, creating lasting change in an industry that has historically lacked diversity.

Shark Tank and Metric Mate: Entrepreneurship Meets Innovation

One of Davis’s standout achievements is Metric Mate, a smart device that revolutionizes strength training by tracking workout data in real-time. Davis and his team were featured on Shark Tank, where they successfully secured a deal but ultimately turned it down, believing their value was higher than what was offered.

Davis’s innovation stems from his love of fitness and his entrepreneurial mindset. “My goal was to solve this problem,” Davis explained. “I wanted to curate data on my strength training regimen without writing anything down or manually entering it into an app.” With Metric Mate, users can track reps, force, and balance directly on their smartphones. The device not only records historical workout data but also creates personalized workout regimens, making it a game-changer in the fitness world.

Looking Ahead: Scaling Impact

As Davis continues to grow the NCPP, his focus is clear: scaling the program to bring more underrepresented individuals into the legal field. “We’re training, mentoring, and preparing them so that when opportunity meets preparation, we have something grand that can take off,” Davis stated.

With the NCPP’s third cohort set to graduate, Davis is determined to expand the program’s impact and increase sponsorships from law firms and corporate entities. For Davis, it’s all about equity—providing opportunities to those who might otherwise be left behind.

“Equity is the foundation of innovation,” Kevin Hooks concluded. “And Braxton Davis embodies that principle in every aspect of his work.”

Braxton Davis’s journey is a testament to the power of innovation, resilience, and creating opportunities for those who need them the most.

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