Pinky The Poet pulled up to Fresh Friday to perform “Societal Mechanisms.” She grew up in Chicago and she started taking poetry seriously after a serious injury when she was in college, playing soccer. After her amazing poetry performance, Pinky stepped into the Star Studio to breakdown her poem.
“Societal Mechanisms.” What made you want to pen that body of work?
I’m very self-aware, so a lot of the work I do, it’s about myself, and not only myself, but what I see around me. And I just realized we live in an age where everybody is dead or sleep, like we think. We think because we have thoughts. So, I’m just here to open people’s eyes and make them realize what type of times we are in. And I try to keep God at the center of everything I do. So, my poetry got to be centered around God’s agenda. And helping people wake up and realize, you got a purpose.
Do you feel like your purpose is spreading God’s words through poetry?
Yeah, definitely. I feel like, not only that, but just in, in my communication in general, because I do a lot of different things. I don’t only do poetry; I started off with praying and motivational speaking on my social media. And then something told me to just go ahead and start posting my poetry too. That was God, yeah, definitely God. Like, He works in mysterious ways, and I didn’t realize until after the fact.
What did growing up in Chicago teach you?
Chicago made me realize I can get through anything I go through, like I’m very independent. It’s times where I can be co-dependent, but that’s really only like when I’m in relationships. But as far as me going out there and getting what I want, like, Chicago taught me, okay, I don’t need nobody. I always felt like I was alone.
What advice do you have for the girl who’s scared to perform?
Me, personally, I still get nervous. I still get shy. But you know, what makes it better is just admitting it. Stop acting like your sh-t don’t stink, even if you don’t admit it to the crowd, admit it to God, admit it to yourself. Like, okay, I’m nervous. Like, you got to be real with yourself first to get what you want next. Because a lot of us lie and say, “Yeah, I’m there” or “I’m this.” Like, with people, what you believe is what they’ll receive. So if you really believe in your mind that you are there, that you are confident and that you gonna go out there and kill it, people will receive that, and they gonna start to believe that too.
So it’s just like, first, start being real with yourself, and then start taking the necessary measures to, you know, be the person that you really want to be. And then it’s like, stop thinking for other people, because it really be our own thoughts. It’s a you-versus-you type of thing. And you can hate something so much about yourself and the other person might love that. So it’s just like, embrace who you are, embrace where you are, embrace the nervousness, embrace the fear, and, you know, overcome it, tackle it. Because it’s just like it’s literally the devil trying to hold you back from what you really should be doing. Like absolutely nothing matters. That’s what I learned from Ecclesiastes. Nothing matters. Nothing that happens on this Earth really matters. Yeah, if it’s not of God, it doesn’t. Fear and anxiety is not of God. So face them.?