Tragedy hits Atlanta Artist Freddie Styles

Freddie Styles, artwork, art gallery
Freddie's work on display at September Gallery

Dear Friend:

By now, you may have heard – Freddie Styles, one of Atlanta’ most revered visual artists, lost his home and all of his artwork – personal collection, inventory, memorabilia – and personal belongings in a fire on March 07.  I am thrilled however to say that the community is coming together to support him as he is now in his 80’s. A Go Fund Me campaign has raised just over $30,000 and a “Friends of Freddie” Steering Committee has been formed to create a permanent housing solution for him. Our goal is a minimum of $40,000.

We are hopeful that all segments of the community – cultural arts, business, government, religious institutions and everyday citizens – will contribute to this very worthy cause. Personally, I hope that we all will recognize this opportunity to show the world Atlanta’s special brand of citizenship and community and how we rise up to come together across all lines – race, economic status, gender, sexual identity, – to help those in need. Freddie has represented this city with distinction for over fifty years. His unthinkable tragedy is our opportunity to say, “He is not alone. Like the City itself (Phoenix Rising), he can and will rebuild his home, his collections and his life, and we will help him.”

Among the several initiatives on the table are the construction of a new home for Freddie; both an on-line and a live auction and/or sale of artwork donated by Atlanta’s artist, collectors, gallerist and museum communities; and a ticketed jazz and gospel show. Plans are for these events to culminate with a Freddie Styles Appreciation Day to be held on May 12, 2025 (Freddie’s birthday). Please save the date.

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