National fitness expert Andrea Riggs is on a mission to reach 30,000 Atlanta women and inspire them to take part in her 2011 Get Body Beautiful campaign. How will she accomplish this goal? She’s hitting the airwaves.
“The purpose of the show is to inspire and motivate African American women to achieve better health through a series of informative and engaging lifestyle, nutrition and fitness segments,” Riggs shares. “The show promotes the tools and information available on the Get Body Beautiful campaign website, TV features, community wellness activities and provides women information from leading national and local experts such as Dr. Ian Smith and Dr. Millard Collier and addresses topics like weight loss, disease prevention and nutrition.”
Riggs, the former WXIA-11 Alive, Atlanta’s Biggest Loser TV Trainer, took on the assignment to partner with the media, corporate and community partners to combat the health disparities African American women face.
The radio show that broadcasts on 107.5 and 97.5 FM stations provides an ongoing media platform to reach listeners. “It begins with a signature motivational song created using a Keri Hilson single that commands listeners, ‘Don’t wait to get body beautiful;’ wakes up listeners at 7:30 a.m. to get focused and get moving to the workout song of the day,” Riggs comments.
Listeners are invited to join the conversation by calling (404) 741-1075 for personal feedback on their fitness, nutrition and weight loss goals, challenges and needs.
“The show is an entertaining, informative and interactive, half-hour health and radio talk show to provide listeners the support, tools and motivation to achieve their fitness goals.”
Riggs will be joined by celebrity trainer, Beth Feagins, and national medical experts who will convey the importance of physical activity and healthy living as well as provide training tips and reviews, weekly demonstration of exercises on the web to achieve sexy abs or a more toned lower and upper body; and a nutrition segment featuring celebrity chefs and the latest on supplementation, healthy eating, diet crazes, medical support, fast food alternatives and foods that burn fat and calories.
Get Body Beautiful campaign’s mission was founded by Riggs in 2009 with Aetna and numerous corporate and community partners like Gatorade, Humana, the city of Atlanta and Publix to combat the health disparities facing millions of women. –yvette caslin
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