Watch: Lipstick and Cognac

\ Tune in today at 4 PM for a new episode of Lipstick and Cognac as they discuss all things relationships.

Watch: Tech Tuesdays with Randy Fling and special guests

[jwplayer 4XsdpCLJ] Tune in for a new episode of Tech Tuesdays with Randy Fling and special guests at 1 p.m. (EST). Today’s episode will feature Dr. Roshawnna Novellus, CEO of EnrichHER, a financial technology platform that helps women secure funding

Watch: Lipstick and Cognac

Tune in for a new episode of Lipstick and Cognac every Tuesday at 4 PM. You will not want to miss the dynamic duo.

The exordium of ‘Lipstick and Cognac’

[jwplayer vb9pxcNE] Lipstick and Cognac are fast rising stars who bring a new and diverse perspective to the table. Lipstick’s down-to-earth voice of reason pairs well with Cognac’s tell-it-like-it is personality. Together they are a crazy, intellectual, no-holds-barred duo that will