Flu outbreak 2013: 4 other viruses to beware of

First completely antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea cases detected in North America. Most sexually transmitted infections that occur in America, occur in terms of rate and proportion among minority populations, in particular African American populations. Whether it is chlamydia, which among African Americans

2013 Super Bowl: 5 Common pain killers used by NFL players

Pain killers and pro football With the Super Bowl getting ever so closer, a wide range of subjects will be discussed. However, there is at least one topic that will not get the attention it deserves, drug use, pain killers

9 Psychological effects of football injuries on players,

With the greatest sporting event looming, it is not uncommon for many NFL players to sustain multiple injuries during the season, let alone there entire NFL careers to be able to play on the great stage we call the Super

Professor blames black students’ grades on single moms

Lino A. Graglia is a professor at the School of Law at the University of Texas at Austin. Although Graglia has written extensively on subjects pertaining to constitutional law, anti-trust, race discrimination and affirmative action, he has begun to receive

Racial, Socioeconomic Segregation Still Rampant in Schools

The impact and history of racial segregation in America is well documented. It has moved in theory from the 1896, the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case that determined that “separate but equal” was constitutional, to the 1954 landmark Supreme

Jobs Report Not Good News

This past Friday, Sept. 7, the August jobs report was released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to the report, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 96,000 in August, and the unemployment rate edged down to 8.1 percent.

Are African Americans ‘Better Off’ Since Obama?

A strange thing happened on the way to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. On the Sunday morning talk shows, Democratic operatives were repeatedly asked the question, if Americans are “better off” today than at the start of President

Your Cellphone Is Being Used to Spy on You

For the average African American, the cellphone has become a vital tool.  Not only is it used for basic calling and texting, it also offers an instant connection to the Internet, making it a useful resource. However, with all of

Obama Should Have a Field Day With Paul Ryan

If President Obama gives it some thought, Romney’s selection of Ryan as his running mate would be like a baseball set on a tee. First, his record — or lack of record — over a 13-year career in government would

Residential Segregation by Income on the Rise Again in America

Residential Segregation by Income On the Rise Again in America The word “segregation” is used in describing changes of the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement in America. Still, it continues to characterize the current living conditions of many minorities in

Harvard Study Shows Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth in Half

Marijuana — from issues of legalization to the massively disproportionate arrests of minority youth for its possession — is frequently in the news. However, rarely does the coverage involve a premier Ivy League research institution. A new study published by