Diversity, Equity and Focus

7 reasons you need a life coach

We live in an information age where resources are abundant and at our fingertips. Everyone seems to be an expert at something and everyone seems

Black diversity consultants, part 1

Diversity consultants, part 1 Diversity in the corporate marketplace is a major issue and many corporations are seeking assistance. Because of the changes in the

The magic of the Workshop at Macy’s

There’s magic happening at Macy’s and it’s not just on the sales room floor.  With over 800 stores across the nation Macy’s is not only influential

5 black organizations Macy’s sponsors

Macy’s is dedicated to ensuring the success of the people they employ but also to those who are in the surrounding communities they service. In

The Home Depot issues apology for racist tweet

On Thursday, the mega-home improvement retailer Home Depot reportedly tweeted an offensive picture on their Twitter account, depicting three bucket drummers — two Black males and