Entertainment Photos

Bizarre mug shots

Most people don’t plan on being arrested, so being prepared for a great mug shot is usually out of the question. After a bad fight or

Funny restaurant signs

How much do you care about the sign outside your favorite eatery? From large chains to the mom-and-pops, employees and pranksters love to take advantage

Sexy black musclemen

There are plenty of sexy black men out here and don’t let anyone tell you different! While every woman has her own unique taste, there aren’t

Military babies celebrate Veterans Day

As we remember the proud men and women who served our country over the years, we can’t forget to celebrate the families they left to

Weird and crazy pet photos

There are way too many people who enjoy putting their pets in awkward positions. From family photos to grooming competitions, cats, dogs and other pets

Cute dog Halloween costumes

With Halloween just days away, we know most dog lovers already have their mind made up about what their cute pooch is going to be this

Adorable cat Halloween costumes

When it comes to cute Halloween ideas, cat costumes seem to always make the top of the list. There are millions of cat lovers all over

Cute kids’ Halloween costumes

Kids’ Halloween costumes get better and better every year. Between creative parents and reinvented classic costumes, your child can easily be the best dressed for

Crazy church signs

Just like any gas station or restaurant, the church is looking to catch the attention of new passerbys with creative and funny messages. From scriptures

Hilarious gas station signs

Gas stations and convenience stores are always looking for fun ways to draw customers in, and the sign is prime real estate. With rising gas

Weird and crazy wedding photos

As wedding season comes to an end, we couldn’t help but to imagine all of the beautiful brides and grooms who walked down the aisle

Hip-hop celebrity Pokemon cards

Imagine how cool it would be if your favorite rapper had their own Pokemon card! Well, wonder no more! A few years ago, Anthony of Smosh.com first

Snoop Dogg’s best memes

Snoop Dogg’s penchant for marijuana is no secret, so many would probably think his Instagram would be filled with photos of cannibus and weed memes.

Awesome yoga poses on Instagram

Awesome yoga poses don’t happen overnight. Yogis love sharing their photos on Instagram and rightfully so! With all of the craziness going on in the