Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

donna brooks lucas – paving the way

photo by steed media service CEO, DBL Multimedia Group Donna Brooks Lucas was a corporate veteran, however in the late ‘80s, she decided to make

nicole jones – staying a step ahead

photo by steed media service Founder, Sensual Steps Shoe Salon Understanding how to market your business is a key factor in how successful that business

arnold hines – nightclub on wheels

arnold hines – nightclub on wheels photo by steed media service Owner, Word of Mouth Promotions The generator that powers much of Cleveland’s club scene

vincent martin – the party starter

photo by steed media service Managing Partner, BMB Productions Vincent Martin of BMB Productions believes that even in the midst of depressed economic conditions, people

dr. bill releford jr. – health equals wealth

photo by steed media service Founder and CEO, The Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation African American communities often deal with health disparities that affect black males,

kevin hill – time to shape up

photo by steed media service Owner, Inglewood’s Finest Barber and Beauty Salon The barbershop has been an iconic point of historical reference for African American

billy wilson- partying on

photo by steed media service President, Motown Alumni Association In the timeless tradition of all that is associated with the Motown legacy, the city of

joseph r. cleveland – integrating solutions

photo by steed media service Chief Information Officer, Lockheed Martin Corp. A true patriot, Joseph R. Cleveland uses his genius to help Lockheed Martin Corp.

karen wheel-carter – education leader

karen wheel-carter – education leader photo by steed media service Teacher of the Year, Atlanta Technical College Professor Karen Wheel-Carter has big plans for life

faith diggs- keep the faith

faith diggs- keep the faith photo by steed media service Owner and CEO, Faith Productions The passion and drive for greatness comes from within, according

marc johnson- laying out the red carpet

marc johnson- laying out the red carpet photo by steed media service Management Partner, Hotel St. Regis The historic Hotel St. Regis has reopened its

sterling christy – a class act

photo by steed media service Principal, Price Middle School The future has just gotten a little brighter for students at Atlanta’s Price Middle School thanks

joe green – align and design

photo by steed media service Director, Campaign Corporate Relations, Columbia College Chicago No student should be denied a fulfilling educational experience. As director of campaign

robin hicks – live and learn

photo by steed media service Speech and Theatre Professor, Olive-Harvey College Olive-Harvey College, one of seven community colleges in the City Colleges of Chicago system,

dawn trapp – at your service

photo by steed media service Director of Human Resources, Hotel St. Regis At the heart of every corporation are key individuals who keep the organization

scott boswell – the health advocate

photo by steed media service Regulations Agent, State of Michigan Inadequate insurance coverage and malpractice have been the scourge of some patients who have been

sherie muhammad – making it work from home

photo by steed media service President, Executive Marketing Group In our highly technological and fast-paced society, home-based businesses now account for 1 out of every