Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

crista day – resident beauty expert

photo by steed media service Senior Beauty Advisor, Walgreens If you’re planning your outfit for the company Christmas party and want to create smoky eyes

marcus maloney – a heart in the right place

photo by steed media service Human Resources Director, Garden of Prayer Youth Center Thirty years ago Marcus Maloney’s grandfather and grandmother noticed a remarkable change

shaun kidd – a model of success

photo by steed media service in charge Founder and CEO, Cyndicated Modeling Agency Shaun Kidd is not simply a model wrangler. On the contrary, the

nikka johnson – more than material things

nikka johnson – more than material things photo by steed media service Singer-Songwriter With the release of her full-length debut album, a busy touring schedule,

james singleton – the eye of the storm

james singleton – the eye of the storm photo by steed media service Chairman, Katrina Relief Committee In a time of great men fulfilling the

milton latrell – growing a business

photo by steed media service Owner, Agriculture: A Crop of Style A vibrant community needs stable business anchors in order to be successful. This is