Health IQ


Why overeating may be a mental health issue

Overeating, often dismissed as a lack of self-control or a failure of willpower, extends far beyond the realm of physical health and nutritional choices. It’s


5 reasons too many people lose their teeth

Losing teeth is a common concern worldwide, affecting individuals of all ages for various reasons. While some factors are within our control, others require a


What it means if your boyfriend has sweaty hands

Imagine this: you’re enjoying a romantic stroll with your boyfriend, hand-in-hand. Suddenly, you notice his palms are a little, well, sweaty. This unexpected dampness can


Why your girlfriend might have a mustache

Facial hair on women is a topic that can spark curiosity and sometimes even confusion. While most commonly associated with men, some women naturally grow


What happens when you overuse botox?

Botox, a popular cosmetic treatment derived from botulinum toxin, has become synonymous with smoothing wrinkles and achieving a youthful appearance. While it offers undeniable aesthetic


Know which organs diabetes impacts

Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. While most commonly associated with blood sugar management, diabetes can wreak havoc on various

breastfeeding breastfed children

Why the benefits of breastfeeding often overlooked

Specific parenting practices emerge as cornerstone elements in fostering a child’s well-being; foremost is breastfeeding. Despite its undisputed importance, the benefits of breastfeeding are frequently


Coping with empty nest syndrome

The day your child leaves home, whether for college, a new job, or to start their own family, marks a significant transition. What was once


How to train your child to appreciate vegetables

Nurturing a genuine appreciation for vegetables in your child lays the cornerstone for a lifetime of healthy eating. While transforming vegetable aversion into enthusiasm may


Why men get penile implants

Erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, is a prevalent condition affecting millions of men worldwide.


Why some people prefer to sleep nude

Sleeping habits are as varied as the individuals who practice them, with one of the most intriguing preferences being the choice to sleep without clothes.


What causes excessive sweating

Sweating is a natural and essential bodily function that helps regulate our body temperature. However, for some individuals, sweating occurs excessively, far beyond the body’s


Why vaping will raise your blood pressure

In recent years, vaping has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional smoking, with many considering it a safer option. However, the question of its


Why most adults fear going to dentist

Dental health is a crucial component of overall well-being, yet, the mere thought of visiting a dentist can trigger a wave of anxiety in many