Health IQ

Diet plan: Benefits of flaxseed

Flaxseeds may be tiny but they pack a powerful punch to the body. Flaxseeds are high in most of the B vitamins, magnesium, and manganese,

Rappers with a mental illness

The death of Chris Kelly serves as a reminder that celebrities, before they are entertainers, idols and icons are human. The desire to escape reality

Fitness plan: Vertical abdominal exercises

Tired of doing the same boring crunches on the floor? Ever thought about working those abs while standing? Doing abdominal exercises can be beneficial to

Diet plan: Side effects of dehydration

Not drinking enough water can cause dehydration. Most people do not consume the recommended eight to ten glasses of water per day so most are

Celebrities with a mental illness

We may joke and call the actions and comments of celebrities “crazy” but there are celebs who actually struggle with diagnosed mental illness. Some of

Health plan: Benefits of honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon and honey can boost your health both separately and in combination. Honey possesses natural antibacterial properties while cinnamon, one of the oldest spices around has