Health IQ

Crack pipe giveaway draws support, criticism

A public health advocacy group plans to distribute  free crack pipes in San Francisco, despite the objection of city officials, including the mayor’s office which stated:

Get the flu, get $3,000

Apparently if you’re lucky enough you can get the flu and get paid $3,000.  But wait, don’t try running around naked in the cold, there

Best plant-based diets for 2014

Plant based diets are great for your heart, weight and overall health. WebMD defines plant-based as an approach that emphasizes minimally processed foods from plants

Magic Johnson the new face of Obamacare

Hall of Fame basketball player, entrepreneur and activist Earvin “Magic” Johnson has joined forces with the White House to urge young Americans, especially young men,

50 uses for apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very versatile natural product that can be used for dozens of health and household purposes. While some common uses such