Health IQ

Paula Patton’s diet and fitness plan

What is Paula Patton’s secret to maintaining her weight? Celebrity trainer, Jeanette Jenkins, who is the creator of the “Sexy Abs” workout and personal trainer

Best superfoods to help women lose weight

Eating healthy is a part of losing weight. Exercise paired with proper nutrition helps fuel the body and burn calories. Knowing which foods and how

Mariah Carey gets dumped

Jenny Craig is saying no to celebrities. In recent years, Jenny Craig, a popular do-it-yourself weight loss program, has been notorious for making celebrity endorsement

Michelle Obama’s fitness secrets

First lady Michelle Obama is known for wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses that show off her toned biceps. Michelle keeps herself healthy with 5 a.m.

Top 10 summer fitness trends

Sometimes traditional gym workouts just won’t do it. The summer time is perfect for getting outdoors and exploring other workout options. While some workouts such

10 tips to keep you healthy

How often do you hear, eat healthy and exercise to live a healthier longer life? Probably every week as you flip through channels and again