Health IQ

Best drinks to keep you healthy

What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Beverages can add tons of calories to one’s diet.  Added sugars and preservatives make

3 ways to eat for a healthier lifestyle

The phrases “eat green” and “clean eating” are often heard but do you really know what they mean? There are three categories of healthy eating

Popular celebrity workout videos

Everyone needs to work out, but sometimes getting motivated to exercise is a workout by itself. Nothing can help you stay motivated  like working out

Dr. Stan Cohen offers advice on feeding infants

Dr. Stan Cohen is a pediatric gastroenterologist for the Children’s Center for Digestive Health Care and adjunct clinical professor of pediatrics at Emory University. We caught up

Black women and herpes

Statistically, it is shown that black women, particularly between the ages of 20-49 are more likely to have herpes than any other race. About 50

Popular plastic surgeries after baby

Having plastic surgery after having a baby is quite popular now a days. Instead of hard work and exercise to get rid of the weight,

Arbonne hosts detox boot camp in Houston

Arbonne International will host a “Detox the Fox” info session that will kick-off the Discover Arbonne ‘Learning Lab workshop’ series on Monday, July 8th at 7:00pm. Arbonne product lines

National HIV Testing Day

National HIV Testing Day is June 27. This year’s campaign’s theme is “Take the Test, Take Control.” According to the CDC’s website, the United States has

Is the vegan life for you?

Thinking of going Vegan? If so there are a few things that you want to consider. Veganism “is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes

Chicago using teen boys in new pregnancy ads

Chicago Department of Health is taking teen pregnancy awareness to another level. While most campaigns generally focus of teen females, Chicago’s health officials decided to