Health IQ

Health plan: Benefits of honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon and honey can boost your health both separately and in combination. Honey possesses natural antibacterial properties while cinnamon, one of the oldest spices around has

Fitness plan: Five minute ab workout

Working out abdominal mucles is probably one of the most dreaded exercises. Doing ab exercises alone will not get rid of your belly fat but it

Diet plan: 3-Apple-a-Day diet

In her book, The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan: Your Foundation for Permanent Fat Loss registered dietitian Tammi Flynn, who is also a personal training instructor at Gold’s Gym

Diet plan: 5 foods to fight fat

Feeding your body the proper foods will lead to a longer, stronger and healthier life. It’s similar to making a decision to use regular or

Health plan: 6 ways to a flatter tummy

As summer approaches, many are doing hundreds of crunches in hopes of having a perfect flatter tummy for bikini season. Crunches alone won’t do the

5 barrier methods for safer sex

April is STD Awareness Month and with the arrival of spring comes a wave of love in the air, spring breaks galore, and sex. So,

Flu outbreak 2013: China bird flu outbreak

Nine people have died from a rare strain of bird flu in China, as health officials investigate possible cases of transmission between family members. The latest