Health IQ


Warning signs that could save young LGBTQ lives

Despite significant progress in LGBTQ rights, young people within this community continue to face unique challenges that can severely impact their mental health. Recent data

erectile medicine time, male contraceptive

5 medicines that cause erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men worldwide, impacting both physical and emotional well-being. While various factors contribute to ED, medications often play an underrecognized role.

sexual health, hormonal shifts and brain function

New study links menopause to severe joint problems

Recent research published in Nature Aging has illuminated the complex relationship between menopause and osteoarthritis. The study reveals that the natural decline in hormones during

sexual health, hormonal shifts and brain function

Breakthrough study reveals 4 menopause links to arthritis

Recent scientific investigations published in Nature Aging have uncovered compelling evidence linking menopausal changes to increased osteoarthritis risk. This groundbreaking research illuminates four critical pathways

heart-health, low calories diet, year

How science is transforming heart-healthy eating habits

Recent groundbreaking research has upended traditional thinking about heart-healthy diets. Long-standing beliefs about plant-based alternatives and sodium consumption are being challenged by emerging data. As

emulsifiers in ice cream

6 hidden dangers of emulsifiers in everyday foods

Recent scientific investigations have uncovered troubling connections between common food additives called emulsifiers and various digestive health issues. These substances, present in numerous everyday foods,


Natural mosquito repellents that are effective

As spring ushers in warmer weather and outdoor gatherings, homeowners face the perennial challenge of mosquito control. While traditional methods like fly swatters, citronella candles,