Health IQ

perimenopause obesity /weight gain

Barriers to breakthrough obesity treatments

Obesity treatment has entered a new era with innovative medications offering transformative results. Yet, a troubling reality persists: many who need these life-changing treatments most

hdl cholesterol and heart attack recovery practices

How HDL cholesterol boosts brain health

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often referred to as good cholesterol, has long been recognized for its critical role in promoting cardiovascular health. However, emerging research

stressed african american woman

Stress silently impacts your weight balance

Stress and weight are more interconnected than they might seem. Beyond emotional eating, chronic stress affects the body’s hormonal and behavioral systems, leading to changes

gut health

Silent threat of leaky gut health on the edge

Leaky gut syndrome, though not universally recognized as a standalone medical condition, continues to gain attention due to its potential role in disrupting overall health.

sleep apnea or sleep deprivation

Why cheese might help combat sleep apnea

Recent research published in Sleep Medicine has revealed a surprising link between cheese consumption and the prevention of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, a common disorder