Health IQ

kidney, anti-inflammatory foods for chronic pain

Why kidney health is important

Kidneys serve as the body’s essential filtration system, performing critical functions that impact every aspect of health. These remarkable organs work tirelessly to maintain balance

pulmonary fibrosis and health

Magnesium the silent hero your heart needs

Critical mineral deficiency linked to increased heart health risks The unsung hero for heart health Magnesium, often overlooked, plays a silent yet pivotal role in


Dementia breakthrough empowers brain health

New research reveals powerful strategies to protect your cognitive future The growing impact of dementia Dementia affects approximately 8.5 million Americans aged 65 and older,

sleep aids anxiety

Why are you constantly having nightmares?

That racing heart, cold sweat, and sense of relief upon waking – nightmares can leave a lasting impact long after morning comes. While occasional bad

racial bias in healthcare

Health stats unionize, demand action on discrimination

Numbers demand immediate reform, threaten to stop adding up correctly In a groundbreaking development, medical statistics have collectively refused to continue reporting health disparities without