Health IQ

thinner, blood flow

7 facts about blood thinners

Blood thinners are essential medications for managing and preventing serious health conditions, but many people know little about how they work or their impact. Whether


How to recover from heart surgery of a widow maker

Recovering from surgery for a widow maker—a severe heart attack caused by blockage of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery—requires careful attention to physical, emotional,


7 facts about people who pick their nose in public

While often considered taboo, nose picking in public represents a complex behavior pattern that deserves scientific examination. Research reveals surprising insights about this common habit

long covid, child

Hopeful rebound in America’s health future

CDC report reveals unprecedented gains in post-pandemic population health Breaking barriers in health recovery America’s life expectancy has seen an impressive resurgence, reaching 78.4 years

flu battle

Understanding flu dizziness – symptoms you can’t ignore

Dizziness emerges as a particularly disorienting manifestation, signaling potential underlying health complications that demand immediate attention. What triggers flu-related dizziness? Influenza transforms from a typical

stressed african american woman

Shocking stress-skin link revealed that affects us all

Science confirms chronic stress accelerates visible aging process The stress-skin connection Recent studies have confirmed what many had already suspected. Chronic stress significantly accelerates the

body Fever

Unbelievable truths about your body’s defense

Unraveling the science behind your internal warning system  Fever is a remarkable biological response, signaling the body’s active defense against internal threats. Far more than