
George Zimmerman found not guilty

George Zimmrman was found “not guilty” by the six woman jury in the second-degree murder trial. The neighborhood watch volunteer was exonerated of both second-degree

Kanye West attacks TMZ photographer at LAX

Kanye West went ballistic at LAX. Sporting a gray hoodie, West and a fellow traveler confronted a photographer for TMZ, über-popular gossip and entertainment site. They

Atlanta cop killed by her former lover

Decorated police officer Cpl. Crystal Adele Parker, 34, was murdered. The seven-year veteran of the East Point Police Department was found inside her home south of

Wall Street trader beats up fitness model

Wall Street trader Quintano Downes, 46, beat Harlem fitness model Sahara Walsh, 29, after she refused to give him a ride home. According to Wash,

George Zimmerman trial closing arguments

George Zimmerman trial live stream  The prosecution and defense have both rested in the George Zimmerman trial. Below is a live stream from the Sanford,