Obama makes history again with Cuba policy
Obama makes history again with Cuba. Since 1960 the United States has had an embargo with the tiny island nation of Cuba located 90 miles
Obama makes history again with Cuba. Since 1960 the United States has had an embargo with the tiny island nation of Cuba located 90 miles
In 2013, the FBI placed Black revolutionary and political activist Assata Shakur on the list of Most Wanted Terrorists. Shakur was the first woman ever
Kevin Powell, a hip-hop activist, author and founder of BK Nation, recently spoke to rolling out about the injustice that has taken place in the
With all the distractions with the recent protests this week, many Americans missed the passage of a huge spending bill. The bill was literally passed
1) The CIA ran a secret prison called COBALT. “Conditions at CIA detention sites were poor, and were especially bleak early in the program. CIA
An explosive report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee has revealed the heinous nature of CIA interrogations after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The document, which
Major strides in the LGBT rights movement have been made over the past year thanks to some progressive lawmakers and even President Obama himself. However,
It has taken almost seven years in office for President Obama to finally “close the barn door” on police abuse in America. Yesterday, a meeting
Elizabeth Lauten is the disrespectful RNC media specialist who recently wrote disrespectful comments about presidential daughters Sasha and Malia Obama. Her comments received wide coverage
The continued disrespect of President Obama is being extended to include attacks on his children and now on his marriage. Conservative media outlets are starting
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed recently shared his thoughts on the failure of a Ferguson grand jury to bring charges against Darren Wilson. During a recent
Whether or not Darren Wilson is charged with a criminal offense, young black men in America will continue to be shot down and killed by
President Barack Obama continues to make historic changes in policy decisions that will fundamentally affect the fabric of America. With his announcement Thursday that outlined
In a surprise move, President Barack Obama will issue an executive order this Friday addressing immigration reform. A broad outline of the executive order is
President Barack Obama has announced his intention to nominate federal prosecutor, Loretta Lynch, as the replacement for outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. If confirmed, this
VOTE MOB is a national network of mostly grassroots voter participation organizations working to ensure that the community, especially young people, get their voices heard
Sixty–five million dollars later, Bruce Rauner is now the governor-elect for the state of Illinois. And things are about to get interesting. Rauner, who ran
Following Tuesday’s election, it is obvious America is split on ideology. The races were so close, but not so close that Republicans can’t claim the
African Americans and women have something to celebrate. Republican Mia Love secured her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives when she clenched the election
America goes red following midterm elections, Republicans seize Congress Political pundits are having a pep rally. One reason is the GOP won key gubernatorial races,