Medical marijuana: Is Georgia next?
On Jan. 17, 2014, Georgia state Sen. Josh McKoon filed a legislative request to establish a study committee on medical marijuana in Georgia. House Speaker David
On Jan. 17, 2014, Georgia state Sen. Josh McKoon filed a legislative request to establish a study committee on medical marijuana in Georgia. House Speaker David
Once again the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright let the entire world know how much he dislikes President Obama. This time the forum was at the
Lesbian achievement in government and society took a giant leap forward as President Obama nominated Staci Michelle Yandle to the Southern District Court of Illinois.
Late last year, many across the globe cried in outrage after the nation of Uganda passed a strict and cruel legislation which outlawed homosexuality in
The most beloved, despised and talked about political family of all time is the subject of an explosive exposé that could further erode the carefully
Marriage equality has slowly but surely been spreading across the nation as state after state continues to legalize same-sex marriage. Recently, the fight for marriage
Senate Intelligence Committee must make public its report on CIA Torture Four of the biggest names in national security: Gen. David Irvine, a retired Army
Hillary Rodham Clinton plays for keeps and doesn’t take prisoners — much like her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Don’t believe it? During the closing
The House Judiciary Committee debated legislation (H.R. 7) that could force survivors of sexual violence to recount their assaults to, not counselors or law enforcement,
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) is in trouble again. The floodgates have been blasted wide open. Just days after firing two top advisors in
Despite conducting an exhaustive 90-minute press conference about the explosive political scandal now known as “Bridgegate,” Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) nevertheless failed to answer a few burning
Based upon the gang of social media respondents, very few people on either side of the political isle are buying Gov. Chris Christie’s (R-N.J.) statement
The hashtag “Things That Upset Liberals” (#ThingsThatUpsetLiberals) incited a stampede on social media that ranged from hilarious to vulgar. Take a look at the interesting
You never see a former defense secretary take on the president of the United States while he is still in office. Until now. President Obama’s
Fifty years ago this week, President Lyndon Johnson, lamenting that too many Americans “live on the outskirts of hope,” declared an “unconditional war on poverty
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recently apologized to Mitt Romney for cracking jokes about his black grandson. Political commentator Ann Coulter couldn’t leave well enough alone.
A lot of buzz was created when President Obama and his daughters returned to freezing cold Washington, D.C., on Sunday, but the first lady remained
Before the City Hall ceremony, De Blasio was first sworn in twelve hours prior in a modest ceremony outside his Brooklyn residence and accompanied by his wife Chirlane McCray and children Chiara and Dante de Blasio.
Approval ratings be damned, President Obama nevertheless was named the most admired man of 2013. Obama has won the honor for the 57th time, over
Action-movie star Steven Seagal says he is considering a run for Arizona governor. The 61-year-old made the comments while talking about his newly released reality