
Kasim Reed re-elected Atlanta mayor

Four years ago, then-Georgia state Senator Kasim Reed pierced the tension in the overflowing crowd at the Hyatt Recency hotel in downtown Atlanta with regular

Leading black mayors

The power players in politics mirror the demographics of the cities they represent. Cities like Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and Newark appeal to African Americans because they offer opportunity

Michelle Obama’s classmate’s firm lands $93M contract

Toni-Townes Whitley, first lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate, is the senior vice president at CGI Federal, the company that won the no-bid contract for the problem-filled website, healthcare.gov. The

What President Obama does each morning

Many probably wonder just how President Obama rises to face the never-ending challenges of the world — much less the shenanigans and machinations of his

Obama impeachment?

On Monday night at a tea party forum for candidates in the lieutenant governor’s  race, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst stated, “The man has committed crimes

Congressman John Lewis arrested

Congressman John Lewis was arrested on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013, at approximately 4:15 p.m. ET for at least the 45th time.  He has quite a long rap