
Top black UFC fighters

UFC fighting is nothing like your average boxing match. Imagine Mortal Kombat come to life. These highly trained, highly skilled fighters jump in a cage and

Rucker Park basketball tournament honors Trayvon Martin

Presented by VIBE Magazine, HOT 97, BKNY Printing, Kevin Powell and BK Nation, ballers from all over the city took part in the tournament. The Xmen from Brooklyn, Harlem’s Skull Gang, Rick Ross’ MMG team, and the Sean Bell All-Stars came to show their skills on the court. NBA players like Michael Beasley and Tyreke Evans were also among the hoopers participating.

5 black intellectuals in the NFL and NBA

There are often stigmas associated with being a great athlete. Athletes who work hard on the field are often unfairly portrayed as the “dumb jock.”

4 Ohio State football players punished

In the past week four players for the Ohio State University football program have been disciplined by coach Urban Meyer, all four involved in separate

Ryan Braun’s suspension from Major League Baseball

After a year-and-a-half of absolute, straight-faced, convincing denials, Major League Baseball’s 2011 Most Valuable Player Ryan Braun has accepted a 65-game suspension — the remainder of