Twitter much kinder to Rachel Jeantel on 2nd day of testimony in George Zimmerman trial

The court of public opinion has shifted in its views of Rachel Jeantel on the second day of testimony in the George Zimmerman murder trial are in. And, according to the feedback pouring onto social media platforms, the close friend of the late Trayvon Martin is viewed in a more positive than her first day when she was apparently insolent, cranky, disrespectful and unintelligible.

Many lauded Jeantel’s courage and perseverance to withstand brutal interrogation-type cross-examination from Zimmerman’s defense lawyer, Mr. Don “knock-knock joke” West. While a few still don’t consider Jeantel a credible witness, most differ and believe that the 19-year-old woman, who was the last to hear Trayon Martin alive, recused herself quite sufficiently.

Take a look at the Twitter responses to Rachel Jeantel’s second day of testimony:

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