Grammy-nominated major recording artist Big Sean partnered with Tarence Wheeler Productions, LLC. and the River Rouge school system to put a complete Thanksgiving meal on the tables of so many disadvantaged metro Detroiters. Another fellow major recording artist and Detroit native, Dej Loaf also lent her services to the admirable cause. Big Sean arrived at the event right at the start and spent hours passing out turkeys to those in need.
Big Sean is well known for being a very humble guy and giving back to his hometown Detroit at every opportunity. The annual turkey giveaway with the #Allstargiveback has been something that he has participated in year-after-year, blessing over 2K families.
Rolling out had the opportunity to catch up with Big Sean and when we asked him why it is so important for him to make sure he attends every year, this is what he had to say.
We know that this is an event that you participate in every year. Why is it so important for you to keep coming back every year?
The commitment I made to my city and myself. It’s important for me to honor that. It’s the least that I can do.
Do you and your family have any Thanksgiving traditions?
We just eat and say what we’re thankful for.
What’s on the menu this year?
My mom is super healthy so everything on the table is going to be organic.
Check out some pics below: