Tami Roman Talks ‘Basketball Wives’ and ‘Role Model’ Status
Tami Roman is ready to move on from the drama that’s been perpetuated this season on “Basketball Wives” and is pledging to change her violent ways. Roman, 41, appeared on “The Wendy Williams Show” this week where she chatted about the program that’s sparked online petitions and outrage for the stars’ bad behavior. And while Roman confirmed that she’s not leaving the Shaunie O’Neal production, she surprisingly showed remorse for her decorum and pledged to make positive strides for the sake of her two children. “For the first time I looked at my daughters and they weren’t really proud of their mom,” said Roman fighting back tears. “They were embarrassed of me. It’s ridiculous that I’m on TV and I have this huge platform. I should be responsible, I should be accountable and I really haven’t been doing that.”
When asked exactly what she’d do to better herself and people’s perception of the program Roman added, “I’m making a personal vow that I will never see that look in my children’s faces again.”
In addition to pledging to change, Roman also discussed her ex-husband, Kenny Anderson, whom she says she does not have a relationship with. “We’re not amicable, we don’t talk,” said Roman. “He doesn’t really have a relationship with our daughter.”
Check out Roman on “Wendy Williams” below.

If Roman is serious about moving in a more positive direction, we have full confidence that she can do just that. Here are three quick ways we think she can better herself below. —danielle canada