Poppa Wu says Raekwon’s money issues holding up new Wu-Tang album


A couple months back ro reported that Wu-Tang Clan leader RZA and esteemed emcee Raekwon were pointing fingers about the delay of the latest Wu-Tang album, A Better Tomorrow.

Well, it seems things are becoming a bit more clear now as Wu elder statesman Poppa Wu recently revealed in an interview that Raekwon’s unhappiness with the money divvy is the real cause of the delay.

“[The album] is here already. It’s just got to be closed up by Rae,” Poppa Wu says. “RZA is head of this game right now. It’s just that Raekwon is compromising… When you a person that never had nothing and then when you get something and then it’s [taken] away from you, it’s hard to adjust back.”

Poppa Wu, who can be heard on both of Raekwon’s … Cuban Linx albums, continues on and relates that Rae feels as though RZA may been doing some funny business with his fellow clansmen.

“They think RZA did some old crazy stuff. RZA did what he did. You forgot he took y’all n—-s from nothing and made y’all something. In my mind, I don’t think he would do that to you. He was just smarter,” Poppa adds. “It was up to you to learn it. He’s not suppose to teach you the business, and you mad with him for that. That’s personal. We did this music s— for love. It wasn’t supposed to be about no money.”

Though a recent tweet from the @WuTangClan account promises A Better Tomorrow is coming soon, no release date has been made public for the album.

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