Will and Jada Have Another Superstar Performer in the Family: Daughter Willow

Will and Jada Have Another Superstar Performer in the Family: Daughter Willow

The Smith household continues to crank out superstars. First it was parents Will and Jada who over the years made tsunami-like waves in both television and film. Then it was son Jaiden, who not only held his own next to his dad in Pursuit of Happyness, but he showed his acting chops to play the lead in the remake of the classic Karate Kid. 

And if that isn’t enough talent in one household, daughter Willow is now determined to become a pop sensation. Judging by her pedigree, as well as her first single “Whip My Hair” she may be well on her way to achieving just that.

Not only does the younger Smith have the blessing of her very powerful parents, but she also has a new record deal with a man who knows a thing or two about musical superstardom. Ryan Seacrest revealed the news in a tweet last night, where he dropped the bomb that rap impresario Jay-Z had come on board to guide Willow’s musical career.


Will, Jada and Jay-Z … not a bad triumvirate to help jumpstart one’s musical career. Let’s just see if Willow has the talent to live up to this initial hype. Check out the song below. –djr

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