‘Freedom Summer’ returns as ‘Immigration Summer’ for Obama

obama border summer

Most of conscious black America is marking the 50 year anniversary of “Freedom Summer.” It was at this time that huge sacrifices were made to advance the cause of civil and human rights for black Americans. But now in 2014, America sees the return of hate filled mobs turned on a people of color, only this time it is with immigrants entering the United States illegally.

Last week in Murrieta, California, anti-immigrant protesters confronted a busload of refugees bound for a federal immigration center located in the town area. The crowd of mostly white residents held signs stating “No New Taxes, No New Illegals,” “When They Jumped the Fence, They Broke the Law” and “Wake Up America” among many others. The images are becoming as iconic as those taken of angry white mobs 50 years ago and yet the nation as a whole seems unmoved.

This past Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Candy Crawley, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-TX) stated that the number of unescorted minors alone from May were approximately 9,579. “The incentive is if you are a mother with a child you will not be turned away, you will be let go” stated Cuellar. In addition, he revealed that over 52,000 children have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border so far in 2014, a startling number which has severely impacted the effectiveness of the U.S. Border Patrol as the officers must now care for children. Cuellar also stated that the border is being flooded in a particular area in south Texas that is a known transit point for drug shipments and the Mexican drug cartels are taking advantage of the weakness. Cartel soldiers are charging $3,000 to $4,000 to smuggle people to the U.S. Border. It is estimated that the amount of potential profit for the smuggling is near $200 million on top of the drugs reaching U.S. soil.

Like former President Kennedy, it has become President Obama’s time in history to address not only a legal crisis, but also a moral crisis. Kennedy had to deal with race and state’s rights and maintaining the peace and 50 years later Obama has to deal with the same issues based on immigration and the rights of the undocumented. Now, news outlet Breitbart is reporting that the situation in Murrieta may take a turn towards violent escalation. Federal agents in riot gear will reportedly accompany the next busloads of illegal immigrants going to the federal center. Residents are preparing for the worst with one resident telling the news agency, “”The feds are pissed that they haven’t been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday — they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back.”

Unlike 50 years ago, it seems that the roles have been reversed. This time white mobs will be confronted with riot police, while the immigrants are protected from harm.

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