How to check for bedbugs when traveling

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report there’s an alarming increase in the number of bedbug populations. In

Top 25 US cities with high syphilis rate

When it comes Sexually Transmitted Diseases HIV and AIDS are the main concerns of many people and with good reason.  But another STD is making

Experimental drug GSK744 a cure for HIV?

A major discovery in the treatment of HIV and AIDS prevention was announced recently. Scientists have developed a drug that when given to test monkeys,

Measles cases on the rise in the U.S.

According to the CDC, U.S. measles cases for this year are triple the normal annual average. The CDC released the numbers onfirming that 172 of

Black women and herpes

Statistically, it is shown that black women, particularly between the ages of 20-49 are more likely to have herpes than any other race. About 50

The facts on HPV

While Michael Douglas may have been slightly off on his revelation that he contracted throat cancer after giving oral sex, in a way, he wasn’t

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

According to the CDC, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder in the United States at some time in