Home for Vet Is 9/11 Tribute

(CNN) — While serving on an assignment in Afghanistan on October 23, 2010, Marine Cpl. Juan Dominguez landed on a buried bomb after slipping down

Romney Did Obama a Huge Favor

Editor’s note: David Frum is a contributing editor at Newsweek and The Daily Beast and a CNN contributor. He is the author of seven books, including

Detroit MLK 2012 Events

Check out the events happening in your city.Donate a coat and take part in the MLK Day of Service 2012. (16301 Ford Rd., Dearborn, Mich., 48228;

The Trumpet Awards 2012

Trumpet Awards founder Xernona Clayton brought firepower to help her ring in the 20th anniversary of the civic awards program at the Cobb Energy Performing

Love and Respect Our Queens

“Excuse me, excuse me,” the announcer said, preceding the words he was happy to say, and he prepared to introduce a celebrated woman who is