
15 New Year's resolutions for dieters

Being on a diet can be a bit rough, but dieting through the holidays can be downright torture. If you’ve got the will power and

Best diet plans for diabetics

“Diabetes” is a term used to  describe a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin

Mariah Carey gets dumped

Jenny Craig is saying no to celebrities. In recent years, Jenny Craig, a popular do-it-yourself weight loss program, has been notorious for making celebrity endorsement

The Daniel fast

With 2013 quickly approaching, everyone is making resolutions, and every year most all have the same resolution – eat better, exercise and get healthy. We

Stars who eat well and look great

‘Tis the seasons for New Years resolutions! Get into star shape in 2013, by following in the footsteps of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars who