
Companies with the highest paid interns

Consisting mostly of social media and technology sites, the list of companies with the highest paid interns are paying undergrads what other companies are paying

Feds arrest Sandy Hook Facebook scammer

There’s low-down, and then there’s Hades level low-down, such as profiting off a murdered child. Within hours of the Sandy Hook tragedy Nouel Alba, 37,

Morgan Freeman: Ugly Sandy Hook hoax

There’s a hot hoax dominating Facebook and Twitter today and it’s not a fake celebrity death. Instead, it’s a comprehensive missive, credited to actor Morgan

Signs you’re addicted to Twitter

We live in an age where social media rules our world. From Facebook to Twitter, Pinterest to Instagram, YouTube to Myspace, anyone with a mobile

Willow’s hair: Her best looks

“Willow cut her hair because her beauty, her value, her worth is not measured by the length of her hair,” Jada Pinkett Smith on Facebook.