Holly Lowe Jones: Tips on managing stress with exercise
When unpredictable life events such as health problems, financial troubles, unexpected job loss, divorce, or death of loved ones becomes difficult to manage, it’s easy
When unpredictable life events such as health problems, financial troubles, unexpected job loss, divorce, or death of loved ones becomes difficult to manage, it’s easy
You’ve been contemplating and putting it off for years. You were worried about being flexible enough or whether it would interfere with your beliefs. You
For many people, the new year began with a resolution to lose weight or achieve the ultimate six pack back. Although it requires more effort, as
Between the cold weather and the demands of the holidays, it’s easy to find excuses to skip workouts. While it’s OK to cancel your gym sessions
Although obtaining a personalized assessment of your nutritional deficiencies and needs is ideal, there are common health issues and symptoms that can be relieved by
A few weeks ago, before its mid-season finale, an episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” got me thinking long and hard about the benefits of
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” – Stephen R. Covey With the arrival of the colder months, I find myself skipping
The end of the year is typically a time of reflection. With a little more than six weeks left in 2015, many of us will
I see it happening way more often than I would like — on the court before basketball games, at the starting line of a 5K and over
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” –Alexander Graham Bell The key to sticking to a healthy eating plan is planning and preparing
As our parents get older and enter their 60s and 70s, their health becomes more of a concern. Encouraging your aging loved ones to exercise
For many years, it was assumed that muscle size was the primary factor that determined strength. Yes, bigger muscles do generally produce greater force. However,
Fit Fridays with Holly Lowe Jones and how to regulate your body temperature during exercise Have you ever wondered how someone can exercise or complete
To succeed in reaching your fitness goals, effective time-management is essential. Most people have to juggle their fitness goals with their family commitments and career demands among other
I visited a local GNC to find out what supplements they recommended for a triathlete trying to increase speed. I explained that I’d been competing in
I once had a co-worker who, in what appeared to be a drastically short amount of time, went from being a very plump 14, to a sporty
Long gone are the days when women complained about their butts being too big. As demonstrated by Kim Kardashian (and now apparently her sisters as
As a Black woman, fitness enthusiast, and mother, I have strong opinions about the state of our health. I don’t believe in making excuses for
When life gets overwhelming, it’s easy to make excuses for skipping out on the gym. You don’t have time to work out, or you’re just
I’ve always been a bit fearless. Even as a child, I was willing to explore the unknown, even if it frightened me. I love a