Happy birthday Margaret Burroughs, the iconic mother of Black museums
Margaret Burroughs had a vision for Black Americans that they have yet to accept for themselves and as we celebrate her birthday, on Nov. 1
Margaret Burroughs had a vision for Black Americans that they have yet to accept for themselves and as we celebrate her birthday, on Nov. 1
Mary Ann Cain’s South Side Venus: The Legacy of Margaret Burroughs takes readers on a journey of the extraordinary productive life of curator, artist and
View some of Burroughs’ works demonstrating her artistic expression and sign the petition in support of the voice that is an important part of our
What does the word “art” mean to you? There is an evolution to my art. I discovered I was an artist because my high school
Stephen Flemister, mixed media artist Krista Franklin, poet and visual artist Recent work: “& the invisible, & the unbelievers” Where: The South Side Community Arts
RHONDA GRAY Art allows the artist artistic freedom. Through this the viewer is able to capture a glimpse of what the artist was attempting to
Helen West brought the art fair back.