Megan Fox

10 Famously flawed celebrities

Sure they look amazing on the red carpet, but let’s not forget that celebrities are in fact human and far from flawless. As a matter

Celebrities who stay fit with Pilates

When it comes to staying healthy and fit, everyone has their own beliefs and routines that they stick with to achieve weight goals. Doing Pilates

Female celebrities with sexy legs

So often we talk about celebrities and their surgical alterations of their faces, breasts and butts. Legs are one body part that can’t be altered with

Most popular pregnant celebrities of 2012

These beautiful new mommies are ranked as 15 of the most popular celebrity moms in 2012. Take a look. Jessica Simpson and fiancé Eric Johnson

Hot younger women who date older men

In June 2011, Hugh Hefner’s fiancé Crystal Harris, 60 years younger skipped out on the wedding. A year later, the two reunited, and on Saturday,