Scarlett Johansson

Celebrities expecting in 2014

There’s only one thing we love more than Hollywood’s biggest celebrities and that’s their beautiful babies. Late last week, reports surfaced that Avatar actress, Zoe Saldana,

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Stars: Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Robert Redford Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is the least interesting Marvel superhero. His costume

Blue Ivy and other left-handed celebrities

From politicians to royalty to athletes to musicians/actors, some of the world’s most famous faces are left-handed. Joining the growing ranks of these famous names,

5 white women black men love

With rumors still circling that Kate Utpon and Diddy are without a doubt the real deal, we bring you five white women that black men

Celebrities who have a twin

We all know about twin celebrities such as Tia and Tamera Mowry and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, but did you know there are quite a few