seeking help

gambling addict

5 signs you are a gambling addict

Gambling can start as an innocent pastime — a way to have fun and enjoy the thrill of taking a risk. However, for some, what


How to know if you are overusing laxatives

Laxatives can be a helpful tool when used correctly, providing relief for those struggling with occasional constipation. However, the convenience and immediate results of laxatives


5 reasons you tolerate verbal abuse

Verbal abuse is a form of emotional mistreatment that can leave deep scars, often going unnoticed because it doesn’t leave physical marks. It’s crucial to

5 signs you are addicted to sports gambling

In the dynamic realm of sports and entertainment, the excitement of placing a bet weaves a tapestry of exhilaration and suspense. For many, the occasional

5 signs you might have a gambling addiction

Gambling — often perceived as a harmless source of entertainment — can take a perilous turn for some, leading to a serious addiction with far-reaching

Why marriage therapy is beneficial

In the intricate tapestry of love and commitment, couples inevitably face tumultuous phases that test the very core of their relationship. Navigating these challenges solo

Don’t give up: Seek help for anxiety

Anxiety transcends mere worry or stress; it’s an insistent companion that can overwhelm and confine individuals within a cycle of fear and unease. Its weight

smelly gas

When gas signals more than just a bad smell

Gastrointestinal health stands as a cornerstone of our holistic well-being, silently orchestrating bodily functions until an unexpected moment brings it into the spotlight. Have you

Managing shopaholism for you or a loved one

Shopaholism, commonly known as compulsive buying disorder, exacts a profound toll on individuals and their loved ones, forging a path strewn with financial strain and