sexual health

orgasms, dryness

7 powerful ways to defeat vaginal dryness

The vagina maintains its moisture through a complex interplay of hormones and natural secretions. However, when this delicate balance is disrupted, dryness can occur, leading

prostate cancer

Doctors warn as superbug gonorrhea hits young adults

A dangerous new strain of gonorrhea has medical professionals deeply concerned. This antibiotic-resistant “superbug” version of the sexually transmitted disease poses unprecedented risks, particularly to


6 STDs that are commonly misdiagnosed

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to pose significant diagnostic challenges for healthcare providers, often leading to delayed or incorrect treatments. The consequences of these misdiagnoses


10 US cities with the highest HIV cases

The HIV epidemic continues to disproportionately affect major urban centers across the United States, with southern cities facing particularly severe challenges. Health department data shows

vaginal dryness, vagina infections

Everything you need to know about vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness, a condition that affects countless individuals, has often been overlooked in broader health discussions. Recent advancements in medical research, however, have shifted this