sexy photos

Fans celebrate Beyoncé on her 33rd birthday

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is turning 33-years-old today and her Beyhive is swarming into a frenzy. On Instagram, the hashtag #beyoncebirthday is filled with collages, photos, memes

Beyoncé’s sexiest selfies on Instagram

Beyoncé, even with no makeup, is beautiful and hands down, she gives you sexy without even trying. As she celebrates her 33rd birthday today, we

Hottest photos of Nazanin Mandi

Nazanin Mandi, who recently posed for GQ India,  has a very exotic look and is extremely sexy. Known for her modeling, Mandi is also the girlfriend

Sarah Vivan’s sexiest photos on Instagram

Sarah Vivan is known to us as the mother of Lil Wayne’s first son, Dwayne Michael Carter III. Though Vivan started off wanting to pursue fashion styling,

Keri Hilson’s hottest fashions on Instagram

Though we know Keri Hilson as a singer-songwriter, we should also watch her fashion statements. Stepping out in beautiful gowns, glittery Coca-Cola tops and ripped jeans, she has