George Zimmerman won’t use ‘Stand Your Ground’ law before murder trial
George Zimmerman not using “Stand Your Ground” defense, yet
George Zimmerman not using “Stand Your Ground” defense, yet
Celebs remember Trayvon Martin Today marks the one-year anniversary of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. And while the world waits to see his killer
Trayvon Martin’s 18th birthday remembered
Zimmerman Reenactment Video Released
A Florida judge has announced that she would no longer preside over the George Zimmerman criminal case. Judge Jessica Recksiedler approved a motion today to
George Zimmerman made his first appearance in a Florida court room today, the day after he was charged with killing Trayvon Martin. As previously reported,
Before George Zimmerman was jailed for the murder of Trayvon Martin, he was a “DatNiggyTB” on Myspace. As previously reported, the 28-year-old turned himself into
George Zimmerman will face criminal charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin according to a law enforcement official close to the case. The Washington