trayvon martin

Boys wear skirts after British school bans shorts

[jwplayer mediaid=”487701″]The Gowerton Comprehensive School in Swansea, Wales, banned students from wearing shorts, but as the weather continues to heat up in Britain, many of

L.A. protests: Zimmerman verdict backlash

Trayvon Martin’s passionate supporters take to the streets in Los Angeles and Oakland to display their displeasure with the George Zimmernan “not guilty” verdict. They

Zimmerman memes on Instagram

As the George Zimmerman verdict is still shocking to many throughout the U.S., many people have taken to social media to vent frustrations and opinions

Remembering Trayvon Martin

[jwplayer mediaid=”487273″]After George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Revolt TV takes a moment to remember Trayvon through