
How people get addicted to pain medicine

Pain medicine addiction stands as a complex labyrinth, impacting lives across diverse spectra. It doesn’t discriminate; it affects individuals irrespective of age, background or occupation.


6 facts and 5 myths about menopause

Menopause — an inevitable yet often misunderstood phase in a woman’s life — marks a significant transition that deserves a spotlight on its realities and

7 healing foods that aid the body’s recovery

Healing foods are the unsung heroes in our journey toward well-being, holding the power to rejuvenate and fortify our bodies. Their remarkable abilities extend beyond

What you need to know about lupus outbreaks

Lupus, an intricate autoimmune disease affecting millions globally, presents a complex and often unpredictable journey for those it touches. Among its myriad challenges, one of

college athlete

Why men should be concerned with stretch marks

Stretch marks have long been associated with women, creating a societal perception that largely excludes men from this conversation. Yet, the truth remains: stretch marks

Why natural hair is healthier for Black women

Natural hairstyles represent more than just a passing trend; they embody a profound celebration of identity and a conscious journey toward healthier hair for black

Britt Flippen, Moe Flippen, Fitness, celebrity trainer

Fitness tips to crush your 2023

The “new year, new you,” fitness mantra may seem cliche, but every year millions resolve to make physical well-being a priority. If you are ashamed